Saturday, October 27, 2007

Boy Band/Veggie Band

It's a fact that once you become a parent you end up watching more kids' shows than you want. Those very same cartoons that you used to love as a kid now...well tend to annoy the heck out of you with their repetitive songs and the characters' squeaky little voices. (Or, maybe it's just me getting old and crabby.) Either way, as a parent you see alot of them. (And quite often find yourself in public humming or singing some extremely silly little tune that you can't get out of your head..."Go Diego Go! Go Diego Go! Adventura amigos an adventure my friends..." And when you finally realize THAT's the song you've been humming you sneak a look around to see if anyone else overheard your embarassing little tune. Of course, if they actually RECOGNIZED it, that means they'd have to admit to watching those shows too so...)

No surprise, Bree likes to watch cartoons...she calls them "Brianna shows." One of our most favorite "Brianna shows," is Veggie Tales. We've been watching them for a long time now and we like them because they're fun for the kids and have some humor for the parents too. Plus, they're not as annoyingly obnoxious as some kids characters are. Well, in our opinions.

Anyways, one of their features is a segment called "Silly Songs with Larry." And the songs are always funny and catchy. Well, in one of the more recent shows instead of having a "silly song" they tried out doing a music video where the veggies did a boy band song. And they totally nailed it, complete with the total melodramatics and montage shots of the typical boy band music video.

Now, compare that to this next video, Incomplete by the Backstreet Boys, (which is one of the rare boy band songs I actually like). It's a typical melodramatic boy band love song. And I dare you to take it seriously after seeing how much it's just like the Veggie version. (As if anyone really takes that particular type of music video seriously before there were cartoons mocking it anyways.)


Now admit it, if you didn't smirk at that type of thing before, you did just now didn't you?

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