Friday, September 21, 2007

Yet Another Round of Breeisms

Another installment of odd, funny, and quirky things from our little Brianna:

  • This one isn't so much something Bree says, but rather something she's been doing. At one of her visits this past summer my mom brought us a mint plant. The moment she smelled it, Bree has been really into her "mint leaf" plant. (That, and we also have a cherry tomato plant that she makes sure to water each day and makes the ripe tomatoes disappear about 2 seconds after they turn red but anyways...) Bree just loves her "mint leaf" plant. She goes out and sniffs it every day and usually sneaks by with picking a few leaves off of it too. In fact, we've had to get after her for it - the poor plant is practically snatched bald. Finally, wanting to put those picked leaves to good use we showed her that you could make tea with the mint leaves. So now our 3 yr old is really into having a spot of tea. Maybe she's an Englishwoman at heart, pretty much every day she asks to have tea time. (Which I'm sure will tickle her Grammy Deb, who's also a tea fanatic.)

  • "Ingy" - This is what Brianna is now naming everything. Even stuffed animals who have previously been named are getting called "Ingy." (Except for the bear formerly known as "Green" who is actually tan. He's now renamed "Big Billy Bear".) Not sure where she got the "name" Ingy but when she plays pretend and does both sides of the conversation, which is often, she'll say things like "Don't you think so Ingy?" and then in a high-pitched voice, "Yes I do Brianna!" and so on. Who am I to judge though..if she likes the name "Ingy" right now then hey, more power to her. (It could be worse..I've heard stories of little kids naming their dolly "Diarhhea" because they thought that sounded pretty.) The only problem is that it makes it hard, as the parent, to determine which little friend she is referring to. "Mom, could you hand me Ingy?" could pretty much mean any toy in her room!

  • "If you say so!" - One of Bree's more recent little sayings. I think it's kind of funny just on it's own but she uses it in odd places. Like today when I told her, "Sit down and eat your lunch please." She said, "If you say so Mom."

Funny little kid...

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