It's fair time here in Ravalli County over Labor Day Weekend. And, it also just so happens that my parents are in town visiting as well. So we loaded the kids up and headed over to the fairgrounds. We had ourselves a great time, rode a few rides, petted a few farm animals, and chowed down on some horribly unhealthy but wonderful fair food. What's a fair without funnel cake?

Bree went on a lot of kiddie rides. She loves them! This is her on the carousel.

Of course, we ended up with a lot of blurry pictures of her beaming as she whizzed by on this ride or that. :)

But, even when you can only see her eyes peeking out over the top, it's obvious she's having a great time.

Inevitably, we also ended up standing in a lot of lines for rides as well. Too bad for Noah, he didn't meet the height requirements to ride any of them...just had to endlessly wait in line.

One of the highlights for Brianna was getting to ride the Ferris Wheel. Maybe because she owns a Little People Ferris Wheel she's been dying to try one out. We thought it would be fun to ride with her on her first time.

Here we are stopped at the top. See Bree's eyes peeking out under the bar? She loved the ride and was mostly excited to point out the other rides she wanted to go on from that vantage point.

After awhile we took a break from rides and went to check out the petting zoo. Here's Bree's expression after getting up enough nerve to pat a goat on the head.

Couldn't resist snapping a shot of her posing in a little Viking girl cutout.

And then my dad couldn't resist trying out being a little Viking girl as well...

Finally, it was time for a few last rides before we headed home. This is an airplane ride.

Speeding by in a race car. Check out the grin....crazy driver.

Yep, that's a picture of one kid who had a lot of fun at the fair.
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