Saturday, September 29, 2007
Theme Songs
She's the sweetest little rosebud that Texas ever knew,
Her eyes are bright as diamonds, they sparkle like the dew;
You may talk about your Clementine, and sing of Rosalee,
But the yellow rose of Texas is the only girl for me.
Which to me, sounds like what a Daddy would think about his daughter.
Here's Elvis's version and he's changed the lyrics a little bit, but they work too since Bree has some pretty blue eyes...
And of course, Noah was born here in Montana which has made Travis decide that "Wild Montana Skies" by John Denver is Noah's "theme song." And those lyrics go:
He was born in the bitterroot valley in the early morning rain
Wild geese over the water headin north and home again
Bringin a warm wind from the south
Bringin the first taste of the spring
His mother took him to her breast and softly she did sing
Oh montana, give this child a home
Give him the love of a good family and a woman of his own
Give him a fire in his heart, give him a light in his eyes
Give him the wild wind for a brother and the wild montana skies
I'm not exactly sure why both the kids' theme songs are country songs since neither Travis nor I is particularly fond of country music in general but there you have it. Just thought I'd share since I find it kind of amusing that we even have "theme songs" for the kids at all.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
So, ultimately I guess my little ploy worked out just as I planned and made her decide all on her own that she wanted to come out and get ready for bed...but it also kind of backfired since I was hoping to AVOID another bursting into tears loud sobbing episode since I'd had just about enough of them that day. Oh well....
Monday, September 24, 2007
Modesty Leaf

See, we were all enjoying the beautiful evening weather one day after dinner and Noah was out there with us in his "little man recliner" as I call it (so nobody tell him that it's got a cute yellow baby duckling on it). Yep, we were all just hanging out when Brianna decided that Noah might think this leaf was neat. And so she gave it to him...I don't think she meant to put it right THERE but... I didn't see her actually placing the leaf so it made me laugh when I turned around to check on the baby and there he was wearing a modesty leaf, just like he was in the Garden of Eden.
Well, I guess we'll have lots of these kinds of shots to embarass the poor kid with when he brings home his first girlfriend.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Yet Another Round of Breeisms
- This one isn't so much something Bree says, but rather something she's been doing. At one of her visits this past summer my mom brought us a mint plant. The moment she smelled it, Bree has been really into her "mint leaf" plant. (That, and we also have a cherry tomato plant that she makes sure to water each day and makes the ripe tomatoes disappear about 2 seconds after they turn red but anyways...) Bree just loves her "mint leaf" plant. She goes out and sniffs it every day and usually sneaks by with picking a few leaves off of it too. In fact, we've had to get after her for it - the poor plant is practically snatched bald. Finally, wanting to put those picked leaves to good use we showed her that you could make tea with the mint leaves. So now our 3 yr old is really into having a spot of tea. Maybe she's an Englishwoman at heart, pretty much every day she asks to have tea time. (Which I'm sure will tickle her Grammy Deb, who's also a tea fanatic.)
- "Ingy" - This is what Brianna is now naming everything. Even stuffed animals who have previously been named are getting called "Ingy." (Except for the bear formerly known as "Green" who is actually tan. He's now renamed "Big Billy Bear".) Not sure where she got the "name" Ingy but when she plays pretend and does both sides of the conversation, which is often, she'll say things like "Don't you think so Ingy?" and then in a high-pitched voice, "Yes I do Brianna!" and so on. Who am I to judge though..if she likes the name "Ingy" right now then hey, more power to her. (It could be worse..I've heard stories of little kids naming their dolly "Diarhhea" because they thought that sounded pretty.) The only problem is that it makes it hard, as the parent, to determine which little friend she is referring to. "Mom, could you hand me Ingy?" could pretty much mean any toy in her room!
- "If you say so!" - One of Bree's more recent little sayings. I think it's kind of funny just on it's own but she uses it in odd places. Like today when I told her, "Sit down and eat your lunch please." She said, "If you say so Mom."
Funny little kid...
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Career Considerations...
Naturally, since we live in Montana, and therefore in the "wild west" area, he thought about being a cowboy first:

Then he thought about being a professional baseball player:
After that was his brief flirtation with the idea of becoming a pirate. Darn the bad influences of Johny Depp, Orlando Bloom and not to mention Noah's own sister Bree for making it seem SO cool.

But, I'm pretty sure he's underage and besides...
I'm also fairly certain he had an ulterior motive for that one. (The shirt says it all!)
Then there was his short-lived but creative idea of perhaps being a professional food taste-tester/monkey wrangler.
And his most recent big idea is to follow in Daddy's footsteps and be a man of education:

Of course, getting your PhD is a big commitment and takes lots of thought and time and effort. It's a serious thing.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Deja Vu

And here's a few other cute ones of Noah I couldn't help posting as well:

I know all mothers think their children are beautiful and I'm no exception. I just look at them and think how very beautiful they are in every sense. And come on, when you look at those pictures don't they just melt your heart into a little puddle?
Saturday, September 15, 2007
One Cool Cat

Thursday, September 13, 2007
Playing Both Sides
And now Brianna has figured out that she has two parents. So these days she'll ask me something and if I say no she'll immediately run over to her daddy and ask him instead. Quite often when that happens I end up repeating, "I said no," so she hears it again and so Travis knows what my answer was. In response to this though Bree usually says, "Mom, I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to Daddy...pretty please Daddy?" To his credit Travis always backs me up...united parent front and all that.
There's one issue though that Bree is really pushing. Not only playing both sides but also trying to ask her grandparents and even strangers on the street for... She has wanted a dog since she was old enough to say the word. Pretty inevitable, you have a kid and you end up getting a dog at some point when the child has whined and asked enough to make you cave in. We're still holding out over dog yet. But, a dog at some point in the future seems pretty certain because Mom and Dad are starting to soften and lose a little ground on the arguement. What is tipping the scales is that now Brianna has already named her future dog...Odie (this after she watched part of the movie Garfield on TV the other day). She talks about him as if we've already picked him out. She'll stroll up to one of her parents and start in like this, "Odie and me are gonna play fetch and he can bite his tail and go 'round and 'round and 'round. Can Odie come in the house? And I'll throw a ball and do dogs eat kitten food? Mom, hey Mom, can we go get Odie today? Can we? Let's go get him!" It's just so darn cute and irresistable not to mention the fact that you can just imagine how much fun she would have with the dog. At this point I start chanting in my head, "Dog poop, chewed up shoes, ripped up furniture, dog smell..." and etc. to remind myself why I don't want a dog. But, it's getting a little harder each day.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Little Boy in a Big Bed

Ma...can't you leave a guy alone to get some rest?
How can I resist knowing how happy it makes him?
Thursday, September 06, 2007

Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Silence is Golden - Why? Because!
On the other hand Bree being so verbal is a little frustrating because, well, she can tell you what she "needs" (read as every little whim that pops into her head). And it's kind of a blow to the ego to lose a debate to the logic of a 3 year old, which it seems I quite frequently do.
So, just due to the sheer volume of the dialogue, I have to really concentrate just to keep focused on what all she's talking about and give appropriate responses. Sometimes I miss my cue when I've drifted off for a minute and then I notice (rarely) that there's a pause and she's staring at me expectantly. :)
To add to all of this already going on Bree has now entered the infamous "why" phase. (Or, she's in it again. It seems to come and go.) Asking "why" to everything turns what should have been a 30 second conversation into a good 5 minute one. Now, I think asking questions is good and all that so I usually try to answer the "why" but despite that, after 10 why's asked in response to the answer to the previous why, these session usually end in me finally either not knowing the answer or getting tired of answering and me going, "I don't know why...just because." A phrase that makes me feel so much like a mother. :)
Sunday, September 02, 2007
County Fair