For those of you who've already gotten the link to Trav's monthly photo album these are going to look pretty familiar. I actually meant to post these quite awhile ago, some I had planned to post as long as two weeks ago but just never got around to doing it since life has been a bit hectic and my blog posting has gotten kind of sporadic as of late (every day, every other day, twice a week, once a week, who knows?). Then it was so close to the end of the month I knew Travis would be sending the pix out with the album and I didn't want to steal his thunder by sharing them before he got a chance (for once! :D) So here they finally favorite shots from this month's album with my own personal commentary added in. I did promise more pix coming about 5 or 6 posts ago so... Better late then never huh? Sort of a collage of recent life, hope you enjoy!

This was another trip to Como Lake. Here's Bree being "Queen of the Rock" and looking quite smug about it too. :)
A super cute close up (before the bang chopping incident obviously). Something about her expression in this one makes me think you can almost tell what she'll look like at 12 or something...she just is looking more grown up all the time!
These are her "bug-looking" eyes. Daddy told her to hold her hands up there like binoculars and look for insects at the lake. I guess they worked since she actually did find him a new beetle to collect shortly thereafter. (Well, at least they're spending time together right?) My favorite part is the messy face though. :)


Just one of many hiking shots in this month's collection of photos. We've been hiking around a lot lately since it's just too easy to find beautiful places to walk around in the evenings here. This was a trail along a creek we found. Notice Bree's little walking stick there....

And here we are marching along the trail in our matching pony tails.

Brianna the wood sprite! Just another cute shot I couldn't resist.

Yet another hiking adventure. This time Bree rode in the backpack though. And there's me, looking super outdoorsy sexy in my camo hat. Oh yeah...

Apparently, Brianna really loves hiking! Doesn't it show?

This is the way she "hikes" just about every time, passed out in the backpack. Something about being strapped to Daddy's warm back while he walks back and forth just puts her right out.

Bathing Beauty....

Or Sassy Fairy, she's cute either way!
(She ran around with just the wings strapped on one day after her bath for quite awhile.)

Here Bree's helping our neighbor, Scott, mow his lawn. He's got an old fashioned push mower and Brianna finds it fascinating, along with Scott himself....she adores him for some reason! He's a bachelor but is really nice about letting our kid hang off him. :)

Classic...enjoying a windmill on a windy day. Love the expression.

You gotta really hold it up to get the good wind. (Yep, we're actually considering trying to power the whole house that way, gotta have a few more kids first to really get enough juice though.) Although, I'm not real sure how well she can enjoy the whole experience with her eyes closed. Doesn't she look like if the Statue of Liberty was holding a windmill instead of a torch? Hee hee!
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