One of the first things we did after the grandparents arrived was plant a few plants in the flower beds. It's just now getting warm enough to plant here and of course my mom was sure to bring me plenty of starts from her own plants. Bree was so excited about it! She was really funny running all over helping to "make the plants happy" by patting their soil and giving them a drink of water from her tiny watering can. (Which for some reason she was calling her "honey pot." I think it has to do with one of her favorite Berenstain Bears books.) What's funny in this shot is you can see the tiny work gloves she's got on. Grammy Dee Dee bought them but I have no idea where she found tiny gardening gloves!

Once we got over the pass we reached our destination on the other side of the mountain...a saphire mine. They'll sell you buckets of mine ore and you can sort through and actually find raw saphires. Here we all are "mining." It was a bit chilly though.
Here's me searching for my "treasure" as Bree was calling it. You only really find very small gems but it's pretty fun. After you've sorted your bucket you can take in your find and the staff there will evaluate your saphires and tell you how many carats you have and which ones you can actually cut and put into jewelry. By the end we each left with a little baggie full of tiny saphires in all colors. Bree though thought all the rocks were pretty and had sorted out a pile of pretty little pebbles that she left with, just as happy to have those as everyone else was with their gemstones.
Another day we took a hike up to Blodgett Overlook. Bree walked part of the way....
And rode on Daddy's back the rest of the way. (Check out the bangs.)
It's a mile and a half to the top but worth the effort...the view of the valley below from the peak is awesome!
That's one happy hike-ateer. (Well wouldn't you be if someone carried you all the way up?!) :)
One of the last things we did was visit an old ghost town nearbye called Granite. This is the old Miners Hall.
The town was an old mining town and it died out when the mining got bad. There's a lot of these types of towns around the area I guess.
And here's one of the ghosts in the "Ghost Town." :) She's all bundled up in Grammy's sweatshirt since the town is at a higher elevation and still very snowy and cold.

So, that's was our long weekend fun! Oh, not to mention that we completely finished painting and setting up the nursery for the little man and also did some work in Bree's room as well. (I'll post a few pix of the new rooms later.) Whew! We really squeezed every minute out of our time!
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