Thursday, February 01, 2007


Technically I suppose it's not too cool to laugh at your kid when they're terrified of something but this was just too funny...

The other day Bree asked to watch TV and so we popped in a Veggie Tales DVD for a few minutes. The theme of that particular episode was dealing with bullies and in the very beginning it's a spoof on Robin Hood. There's a veggie Robin Hood and a big, green squash (the bully) comes crashing through the forest going "grrrr." This is a show Bree has seen before. But, this time she barely had time to register that a big green squash was on the screen, I think she heard it go "g.." before she was gasping and running out of the room as fast as she could. It was just pretty funny because one minute she was watching her show and the next minute all we could see was her rear end leaving the room as fast as she could. She ran into her bedroom and yelled out that we needed to turn off the TV and it was too scary. Then she suggested we play in her room for awhile. So, like I said, I guess it's not nice to laugh at her being scared but it did look pretty funny. Plus it's just interesting to me what's scary now that hasn't been before, like a big green squash. I guess she's just getting old enough to be more aware and register the "scary" things more.

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