Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Honey Hunt

I think it’s official that Bree has entered that toddler phase of fixating on one thing and then wanting to repeat it over and over and over (and over and over.) And she’s managed to keep this a constant theme in all the different areas of her life. Take fashion, as I’ve already said her latest craze is that NO outfit is complete without “kitty ear-mups.” And for lunch, nothing will do but mac and cheese. She even asks to eat it for breakfast sometimes too! Likewise, her ultimate favorite book right now is the Berenstein Bears “The Honey Hunt.” I think I read that book at least 3 times each day. I almost have it memorized word for word. But, I suppose it’s not that bad compared to some of the books she could be in love with right now. Like all the parenting books say, she likes knowing what will happen next and being able to tell me what’s coming next before I turn the page. It’s actually a pretty cute book about the daddy bear deciding that he doesn’t need to buy honey from the store, that since he’s a bear he can find his own honey tree. But, he bumbles all around and instead of finding a honey tree finds an owl in one tree, and a family of skunks in another….and toddler hilarity ensues. The whole time though the dad is insisting he’s about to find honey and keeps asking his son, “Now don’t you think your dad is clever?” I’m pretty sure that’s Trav’s favorite part, especially after the other day when Bree (having just finished reading this book with him) said, “I think my dad is very clever!” Hmm…now to find a book that talks about how great the mom is….

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