Sunday, January 14, 2007


Just another quiet day at the Taylor household. We've really been pretty boring on the weekends this past month or so because, since we know we're moving in the coming months, we are really trying to plan ahead, sort through all our crap,throw out what we don't want, and organize what's left. So, that means that we clean and sort and all kinds of really interesting things like that...not a fun day for a toddler. But, Bree's actually been handling it pretty well and has managed to keep herself entertained pretty well. Take today for example...

Once we'd all had breakfast and had gotten going on the organizing Bree kept busy by running around in just her diaper and her "hee heels" (high heels). These are really a pair of adorable little dress shoes (and they actually do have a little bit of a heel on them) that were hand-me-downs from our friends Hannah and Kadyn. Well, Brianna thinks they're the neatest and asks to wear them quite often since I think it makes her feel all grown up. So, there she was, happy as a clam to be almost naked save for her "hee heels."

That kept her busy for most of the morning and then it was nap time. Well, in our sorting and cleaning yesterday we re-discovered the huge stuffed dog that I won last summer at the state fair and pulled him out of where he'd been stuffed in a closet. Bree was ecstatic and today insisted on taking him to bed with her. Now, she already had about 20 other stuffed friends in there so we told her that if she wanted the big dog in bed she had to throw out some of her other friends. Surprisingly she seemed okay with this idea and started booting out fuzzy pals left and right. In fact, she kicked out most of her stuffed entourage...including her long time buddies Bear and Green! (A shocking development since she's never gone to bed without them in about a year's time I think.) She even kicked out her stuffed Buzz Lightyear figure. This was something her daddy and I weren't ready for! "Are you sure?" we asked her. "Yep, night night." she told us. "Well okay," we said. Alas, it was only a few minutes later that we heard some commotion coming from her room. Travis went in to check on her. "What was the problem?" I asked him when he came back out. "She needed Buzz back in bed," he said, "When I went in there she told me Buzz was mad at her!" So I guess she wasn't ready to get rid of ALL her bedtime friends after all.

Along with all the additional organizing and sorting of stuff we have to keep up with the normal housework of course. So, after naptime it was time to head down the hall to do the laundry. This is a task that Bree usually enjoys since she likes to run or ride her bike down the hall. It's a good break for her and a quick way to burn off some energy. Today was no different. She happily jumped on her little trike and was off and riding down the hallway. We made it down the hall, started our laundry and started back, all like normal. But today, on the way back, for some reason Brianna just burst into song while riding her bike. (Totally a Travis thing to do.) She started singing one of the songs from the Winnie the Pooh Heffalump movie, a favorite of hers lately. This in and of itself was mildly amusing but it was really funny when she got SO into it that she had to get off her bike in order to do a big finish that included raising her arms up in the air and twirling. This was to be repeated several times as we walked back to the apartment. One time she even told us, "Hey, you need to stop so I can sing!" and then proceeded to repeat her little dance while singing (a lot of it fairly unintelligable) at the top of her lungs. (I'm sure the neighbors really appreciated it.)

Overall, it was kind of a boring day here... but in Brianna's world it was still a pretty interesting day.

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