Monday, January 08, 2007

Mountain Girl

As I've mentioned, Travis recently finished his schooling and has his PhD in hand. So, he's been looking for a new job over the past few months. He interviewed at a lot of great places but ultimately, he's decided to accept a position in Montana. I'm excited about this move as it will put us closer to our family in Idaho and I love the's very mountainous and much like what we grew up with so I know it will feel more familiar and more like "home." We have to wrap up a few things here first but will be moving in about 2 months time. So, to start preparing Bree for all this change we've started talking to her about it. We told her that soon we were going to be moving to a place called Montana, that we would be living by the mountains, much closer to her Grammies and would get to see them more often. We also told her she'd be getting a bigger room and tried to make her excited about it. The part she picked up on though was mountains and Grammies. So, she's been going around telling people "We're gonna live in the mountains with our Grammies!" The way she tells it, it sounds like we're gonna be hermits on a mountainside. But, at least she's excited about it...for now. Wait until we start to try and pack up her toys for the move.

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