Saturday, August 26, 2006

Piggy Tails

Unfortunately for her, Brianna's hair is just like mine. There's a lot of it, it's just baby fine and slow growing. Because of that, I'm always surprised when I see other 2 yr. olds with long flowing hair, even wearing pony tails and pig tails. I'd thought about trying to pull Bree's hair back but I just assumed it was too short and hadn't really gotten around to actually testing that theory. Well, yesterday our little neighbor girl, Savannah set me straight on that issue. She comes over to play with Bree quite frequently and for some reason got the urge to play with Brianna's hair. By the time she was done she had made two perfect little pig tails in Bree's hair. It made her look funny, adorable, and more like a little girl than a baby, all at the same time. Brianna thought they were super neat and Savannah was happy with her handiwork. So, we all sat around admiring the new doo. Of course, Trav couldn't resist and started snapping pix....

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