Monday, August 21, 2006

Clash of Wills

Terrific Two's, Terrible Two's, however you put it the two's are a power struggle as was made more than clear to me today. It started out innocently enough. Bree wanted a snack so I gave her options. She chose Teddy Grahams and then sat down on the couch to munch on them. So far, so good. But, as I walked through the room a minute later Brianna says to me, "I made a mess!" and points to her Teddy Grahams scattered on the floor. "Uh-oh. Well, that's okay just pick them back up again," I told her. Then I was kind of shocked when she replied "Mom, you pick them up." and walked off. The ensuing 20 minutes involved pointing, making forceful statements, the listing of choices (pick up your mess like Mommy asked or have a time out), a time out (while I ended up picking up the mess myself), and tears. Oy vay!

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