Thursday, June 29, 2006

Party Girl

Despite the fact that Brianna's birthday was about 2 weeks ago, she remains enthralled with birthdays and parties in general. At this point she's pretty sure that if there's a party, it must be for her. That's probably because she got to celebrate her birthday more than once. She had her big Idaho party of course, and then on her actual birthday her daddy and I had another little celebration with more cake and a few more presents. After all this birthday buzz she even learned the Happy Birthday song and we catch her singing it to herself every now and then. And, to top it all off, recently, the mom's group we're in also had a party for all the moms and kids' with June birthdays. Of course, some of the moms had brought cup cakes to share. Well, a few minutes after arriving I started talking to one of my friends a few feet away from Bree when suddenly I realize that I can hear her singing very quietly..."Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to 'Ranna..." When I looked over at her what do I see but Bree standing on the seat of a dining room chair, leaning way over onto the table and quietly using her fingers to lick the frosting off one of the cupcakes, all while happily singing Happy Birthday to herself. She had even managed to pry up the edge of the Saran Wrap that was wrapped around the plate, since we weren't planning on serving the cupcakes for awhile. Oh well, it was a party for June birthdays after all!

Her party obsession isn't helped by the fact that yummy cakes and ice cream are served at these functions. And, it also doesn't help that her daddy's birthday is coming up later this week. She was with me at the grocery store when I bought the cake mix and cherry ice cream (Trav's favorite) for Daddy's big day. When she saw the ice cream she immediately wanted to eat some..."Cream cream?" "No," I told her "We have to wait. This is for Daddy's birthday party." She thought about this for awhile, (probably wondering why someone else was getting a party), and seemed to forget about it. But, she hadn't really forgotten. As soon as we got back in the front door she ran over to Travis and said "Daddy, party!" "We bought some stuff for your birthday party," I explained to him. Bree ran over to the grocery bags, pointed to the ice cream and said "See, party Daddy!" This was all fine and well until I tried to put the ice cream into the which point Bree started sobbing hysterically and saying "Party! Party!" It took us a half hour, and a scoop of ice cream, to calm her down and explain that Daddy's party is a few days away yet. Life is rough for tiny party animals.

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