Thursday, June 15, 2006


Lately Bree has shown a lot of interest in playing the word games we used to tell her as a younger baby. Since she’s a toddler she loves the repetitiveness and predictability of rhymes like Patty Cakes (which she’ll ask you to repeat over and over and over). Another oldie she’s revived from her younger days is Peek-A-Boo, only she calls it “Peek-ee-Boo.” Recently she found out I could sing the rubber ducky song from Sesame Street. (You know that one that Ernie sings.. “Rubber ducky, you’re the one, you make bathtime so much fun, rubber ducky I’m awfully fond of you..Bo bo bo bee bo.” Oh come on, it’s catchy, like you’ve never sung it before?) Her favorite game right now though is one that her and Grammy Dee-dee made up when we visited Idaho recently. Grammy would pretend to fall asleep and Brianna would say “Wake-up!” Then Grammy would open her eyes real wide. It made Bree laugh every time. She even turned it around and would fake being asleep herself and then Grammy would say “Wake up Brianna, CockaDoodle Doo!” and she would laugh and open her eyes and look surprised.

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