I know I've said it several times before, but Brianna continues to baffle me with her vocabulary. She seems to be learning a new word or phrase every day and when she actually uses them correctly, in the right context, I am startled by it every time, even though I should know better by now. Her newest word is "mazing" (amazing) which she uses when she feels Mommy or Daddy has had a particulary impressive accomplishment. For example, I forgot to include it, but when her Daddy had finished hanging up her wall pegs she stood back and declared "mazing!" I have no idea where she even picked that one up, I don't think we say it very often ourselves?! She's also starting to pick up a lot of adjectives. Besides her colors, she has added a few other desciptors, her newest being "heavy." Yesterday she tried to help her daddy by bringing him his backpack. She leaned over, strained a minute, then looked at him and told him "too heavy."
Besides adding to her vocabulary Bree is also starting to show her growing sophistication in her choice of words. The prime example of this being that instead of calling everyone under 12 "babies" she now calls them "kids." At the grocery store the other day she spotted a little boy of about 6 so she pointed and said "kid!" I said "Yep, that's a kid all right." Then she waved to him and said "Hi kid!" He thought is was a little weird but he said "Hi....kid" back to her. One of her other recent changes to her conversations is using "beep." She's actually been able to say that one for a while but now she also uses it when she wants someone to move. If Daddy's in her way she'll say "Beep, beep, Daddy!" Then she'll shove on his leg and go around him.
All these have surprised me and made me smile but perhaps the most "mazing" thing is hearing her speak in complete sentences every so often. Take the other day, she was watching one of her favorite shows, Little Einsteins. The plot was that a baby reindeer had wandered away from his mommy and the little einsteins were going to help find him. She turned to me and raised her hands, palm up, "Where did baby reindeer go? I dunno!" she said. While I kept staring at her with my mouth hanging open she turned back to the T.V. screen. But, I didn't join her because watching her learn and say these things is better than T.V.
Friday, May 19, 2006
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