Monday, May 15, 2006

Here You Go, I Got It

Brianna's catch phrases of the past week or so have been "Here you go," and "I got it!" For example, today when we went out to feed the geese she was judiciously breaking up her slice of bread and throwing the pieces saying "Here you go geese, here you go." Later, as she was playing with her big bouncy ball every time she caught it she said "I got it, Mom!" Or sometimes, when her daddy or I pick her up or tickle her she'll say "got me (you got me)!" Then tonight, as I was making dinner I set her up next to me, standing on top of a dining table chair, using her little plastic knife and cutting board to "chop" her plastic veggies apart while I chopped the real ones. She finished in five minutes, not quite the distraction I had hoped, and said "Here you go Mom!" Then she jumped down and asked to watch TV.

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