Well, it's official! I'm now the mother of a 5 year old! Yep, little miss Bree turned 5 on June 16
th. Can you believe it? :) Although we've had big family gatherings for past birthdays, this year we had a quiet celebration with just the four of us... and it was really nice. As much fun as a big birthday bash can be, just the number of people, gifts, noises, etc. can be overwhelming for a kid sometimes. So this was a nice change of pace.
Bree's birthday fell on a Tuesday this year, which happens to be one of the days she goes to preschool. She woke up very excited and was singing "today's my birthday" to herself. Then she picked out a dress to wear to school, since she was sure that you have to look dressed up and pretty on your birthday. And off she went with a tray full of cupcakes to celebrate with her little friends... She came skipping back a few hours later, beaming and telling me how her class sang Happy Birthday to her and loved their cupcakes.
Once Daddy got home we let Bree decide what she wanted to have for dinner. She decided that having a picnic at the park with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches was just the thing. (How cute is that! I was expecting her to request a Happy Meal or something.) So we packed up our cooler and went off to play at the park. And, not too very long later Bree decided she was done playing and wanted to head home for cake and presents...

Noah and Bree sitting in anticipation of present opening.

And here she is striking a few poses for the camera.

Isn't she looking like such a big girl with her cute little pony tail? Getting so tall!

Check out the sundress too... her and I made it together as her birthday project during Noah's nap. It's actually made out of a pillow case and some ribbons. Super fast, easy, and cute!

Our pretty little birthday gal.
Opening presents...

Bree was nice enough to let Noah help her open all her presents. She was quite generous about it. (It was so sweet actually, the morning before her birthday she was saying to me, "Mom, tomorrow's my birthday and guess who's going to help me open my presents and blow out my candles?" I had a guess but I said, "Who?" She pointed to Noah and said, "That boy, right there, my little brother." Too cute!)

Of course, Noah was intent on helping her test out her new things as well. Here he is breaking in her bean bag chair.

...and helping her arrange her little cottage and forest play set.

Then it was time for cake!

She requested chocolate frosting and I decorated it in white and blue, blue being the favorite color of the moment.

Waiting for the end of the Happy Birthday song to blow out her number 5 candle.

Make a wish!

...and the birthday girl gets the first slice.
1 comment:
did you MAKE the bean bag chair and the forest?? they are so great! :)
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