Noah may be a small person, but he sure thinks he's a big boy! And his personality is larger than life! He is a very sweet little guy, but also such a mischievous character as well. Most people see him and say, "Oh he's a cutie!" at which point he bats his big eyelashes at them and they'll add, "What a charmer!" Of course, if they spend more than 5 minutes with him they also end up saying, "And such a strong will too!" Take for instance, the gal who gave me my last hair cut. She took one look at Noah and said, "He's adorable... And I bet he's pretty ornery too!" I answered, "Yeah, for sure!" She said, "I know, I can tell by that little naughty gleam in his eyes!"
But then, even when he's doing something he knows he shouldn't, he still manages to charm your socks off while doing it. I think partially that's because he does things with so much gusto and in such an exaggerated manner that you just can't resist smiling at him. Like when he purposely throws his
binky over the edge of his crib at the start of
naptime and starts whining, just so I'll have to come back into the room. I start into the room feeling a bit disgruntled, but that melts when I see him standing there smiling his huge smile and pointing at his beloved
binky. Or, another example is with Halloween candy. He'll finish his own and then sidle up to the nearest person who still has some left and open his mouth as wide as it'll go, (which being related to his father, is pretty wide) and just stand there, expectantly. If you don't put a tasty morsel in there fast enough, he'll grunt at you and open his mouth again like a baby bird. Then, once he inevitably gets some, if he really likes it he'll close his eyes and throw his head back to savor it while he chews.
One of the other funny behaviors he does very zestfully is blowing on hot food. Well, actually, now that he's figured out some food may be a little warm for the mouth, and may need to be blown on, he thinks he needs to blow on ALL his food. So, now he makes me laugh because he starts blowing WAY too early. As in, all it takes is for me to start preparing dinner or turning on the microwave for him to start blowing like he was the big bad wolf trying to blow a little pig's house down! I'm actually kind of afraid that the kid will hyperventilate or something!
Alas, one drawback to Noah's dramatic nature are the tantrums. He's already started having them, and his are so much more dramatic than Bree's were at this age. He can launch into a full blown, ear piercing crying at the drop of a pin, usually followed immediately by him throwing himself face down onto the floor and sobbing into the carpet. Of course, part of that has to be due to getting new teeth. He's got 4 new ones for a total of 8! And I also think a lot of tantrums at this age are spurred on by the fact that while there's a lot going on in their brains, toddlers don't have the language to express it. Even if it's just to communicate that you're thirsty... like the other day. Noah was whining and I just couldn't figure out what he wanted. I tried handing him his
binky and he just shoved it away. After trying a few other things I thought he might want, with no success, I was at a loss. Finally the poor kid wandered out of the room, found a
sippy cup, brought it into the kitchen and held it up by the water dispenser in our fridge. "You're thirsty?" I asked, "You want a drink?" and I started filling his cup up. He was so
relieved I finally figured it out he actually started clapping!
Despite his frustration Noah does have some communication skills already though. He can nod yes or no, something I find very amusing. I know I've said it too many times already, and maybe I'm the only one who finds it so, but it's funny when tiny people start suddenly having opinions about stuff. And it's fun to ask them silly or obvious questions to see how they'll answer. "Hey Noah, can I sit in your booster chair?" Vigorous head shaking no. "Noah, do you want some ice cream?" Nodding yes like a bobble head figure. Besides his nonverbal yes and no, Noah also has a few power words he likes to use, don't and go. Only, when he says them you can just see them floating above his head in all caps. When he sees his sister doing something he doesn't want her to, "DON'T!" Or, when playing a game, "GO!"
Yes, he's growing up fast and learning things by leaps and bounds, but it's just not fast enough for him. He wants to be a big person and now! His "I want to do it myself" independence phase is already setting in. Especially in regards to walking. He wants to walk himself everywhere! And don't even think about trying to hold his hand to guide him or keep him safe, it's an affront to his pride! Even when he's dog tired he'll insist on marching himself along on his own two feet. That is, unless he suddenly decides he wants to be held, then you better jump to! (Having a toddler is a bit like living with a tiny tyrant!)
Noah is so eager to be big, that he even thinks he wants Mom's coffee! (Although, that may have a lot to do with how I make it. For me, it's more like would you like some coffee in your sugar not some sugar in your coffee.) I have to be extra careful not to leave a mug sitting around where he can reach it or else I find him in a coffee soaked shirt, happily slurping away. I have to say, I do find it a bit odd he likes it so much. Even sugared, it is a very strong taste. I didn't like coffee until my twenties! And even then it was more that I needed the caffeine to get through college. But the last thing I need now is a caffeine powered toddler! They're hard
enough to keep up with as it is!
So despite Noah wanting to hurry up and be a big boy, his mom's sure not ready for that yet and wants to savor his charming babyhood. But even if I blink and suddenly he's grown, it's too late for me, I am now and will be forever, irrevocably twisted around his
pinky finger.