My sister Melissa's birthday is right around Easter. (Well, usually. It would be except for the fact that Easter came freakishly early this year.) Somehow it's worked out that Missy's been with us every Easter since Brianna was born. So, it's kind of a thing, that Auntie Missy wants to be with her niece and now, her new nephew, for Easter. And it's become a little family tradition that my side spends Easter at my house. This year we had my parents, Uncle Doug, Auntie Em and Carl, and of course, Auntie Missy as well. (Actually I think this was the first time in over a year all four of us siblings have been together in one room and the first opportunity Doug's had to meet Noah.) It was a fun weekend!
On Saturday, the boys all decided they wanted to have an adventure so they headed out to hike up to the top of Blodgett Canyon Overlook. In the summer, it's around a 3 mile hike round trip. Of course, in the winter when the road is snowed in, and the snow is waist deep in some areas, it's a different story.

Here they are, off on their grand hike. And yes, that's Carl wearing shorts to hike in the snow. The girls meanwhile, being NOT insane and not thinking that freezing our buns off on a long hike sounds fun, stayed at home. We were warm and cozy and had fun dying our Easter eggs and playing with the kids. But, we don't have any pictures of that since 1- we were too busy doing things to stop and take pictures of them and 2- the boys had all the cameras with them. Anyways...

Hiking up a mountain in the snow in shorts wasn't quite adventure enough for Carl it seems though. So here he is doing a flip while jumping off a rock. Hey, why not right? It was a great opportunity for the shutter bugs (Trav and my dad) to get some action shots.

Here's the view from the top. Seeing how beautiful and still it is up there is almost enough to make me want to make the trek up there. Almost, but not quite!

All hail the kings of the mountain!


Having gotten to dye our eggs and the boys having their big adventure on Saturday, Sunday we spent doing the traditional Easter activities: Easter service, big old lunch, everyone passing out and taking naps in uncomfortable positions in the living room after the big lunch...

Noah had the best spot in the house for nap time, snuggled up with Auntie Missy in the rocking chair. Of course, everyone wanted to hold him and with eight adoring adults he was pampered, snuggled, passed around, and basically spoiled to within an inch of his life.
Then it was time for the Easter egg hunt. Both kids had a wonderful time finding eggs. Every time Bree would find one she'd gasp, point, laugh and say, "Another one! I found one!" And we all had a fun time teasing her that pink, green, purple, orange, and other rainbow colored bunnies must have hopped around the yard and left them there. Even Noah got in on the hunt, having a little help "finding" a few eggs. (Uncle Doug holding him within reach of one and Noah managing to pick it up himself.) He had a great time, his eyes were all sparkly, staring at brightly colored eggs, one clutched tightly in each little hand.
Once again though, we were so busy actually hiding and then hunting our eggs, we didn't manage to snap any photos to show you. (But we did get it with the camcorder...gotta pick one one form of memory making or the other.) Although, we got some shots of the kids all dressed up in their Easter finery.

Uncle Doug helping Noah show off his handsome outfit.

Posing with Doug, Bree and Noah are all smiles for Grammy acting silly in the background.
Finally got Bree to sit down long enough to get a picture of her pretty Easter dress. But it was touch and go to even get her to hold still for these few shots.

As usual, it was a bit of a circus to try and get a good shot of both kids and to try and get them both smiling and looking towards the camera. But, these were my best shots.

And one last close up of my happy Easter babies.
Hope you had a Happy Easter!
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