Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

I guess the snow gods must have heard Bree's frustration with only getting small spitz of snow falling last week and decided to smile upon her. Yesterday we got dumped on! It snowed for over 24 hours straight and we now have at least a whole foot of fresh now outside. That means, Brianna got her wish of playing in it and we even sledded a little but it was so powdery and deep it didn't make for good sledding. She was pretty happy about the whole thing, although she was still a bit confused about if Santa would be coming now that there's lots of snow.

Here's Bree trying to wade through it, pretty hard for a little gal when it's up over your knees!

Actually she spent a lot of time like this, rolling around on her belly in the snow, not necessarily by choice either but just because it was so hard for her to walk in she kept tripping and landing like this. But she took it with a good spirit and just laughed about it.

She had a lot of fun though being waist deep in snow.

And we even convinced her to slow down enough to pose for a few shots with her parents (sort of). It was right after this that she realized she was cold and said, "I'm shivering! Let's go inside and have a warm bath!"

So I guess around here it's looking like a white Thanksgiving! (Oh and if you're wondering where the baby was when all this was going on he was sound and safe, asleep all warm and cozy in his crib so I thought I'd let him finish his nap instead of waking him up to drag him into the cold. He had to live this experience vicariously through his baby monitor....maybe he dreamed of snow?)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I wish we had some snow! Hope you are all doing well.
