Wednesday, August 29, 2007


We had kind of a rough morning today. Sometimes Bree just wakes up in a major mood and immediately begins whining. You know, the breakfast I give her is not the one she wanted, and then the second thing I try to serve isn't good either...come to find out what she wants is pudding. (Like that's gonna happen.) And it just makes her more mad when she decides she's cold and wants a blanket and I can't immediately throw a blanket over her, even though she can walk and the blanket is only about 5 feet away. Then when she doesn't hear what Daddy said to her as he's leaving for work, instead of asking him "what?" she bursts into tears. It's just one of those days. And it reminded me that I have a new favorite song for these kinds of days... It's my new parenting theme song. :) Take a listen:

Grumpy Song

It's off a kids CD and you can tell the guy has had kids, and perhaps wrote it when he had a toddler/preschooler because it's a great song for the parents.

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