It's so interesting, as you have children, to sit and stare at them and find your own features staring back at you. When Brianna was born everyone said, "Oh, she looks just like you!" and my family said, "She looks just like your baby pictures!" It's true...she does resemble me pretty strongly in a lot of ways. But then Noah came along and in a kind of funny way he almost looks more like me than Bree does. I think it's in the nose mainly. Bree's got a more Taylor nose and Noah got mine. It's not just me who thinks so either. We've had visitors come see Noah and immediately say, "Oh, he's got your nose Beth."(Actually we've gotten alot of this too, "He's such a boy. He's just all boy. Beth, he looks just like you!" Which I suppose I could decide to take offense to but instead just amuses the heck out of me.) So, anyways, to amuse myself I dug up some of my baby pictures to compare to my kids. Judge for yourself!
Okay, this is me at around 2.

and Bree.
Me again... (as if you can't tell from the dress and background. Groovy baby!)
Now for the Noah comparisons:
Here's me at 2 months or so....
..and Noah at 1 month old.

And Noah. Now you tell me, who does my son look like? :)

This is me and my baby brother...
And now Brianna with Noah.
Okay, they're not carbon copies, they are their own people, but they're my children for sure! This is not to imply that Travis made no genetic contribution but since I have way less baby pictures of him to use for comparison, and since I write the blog then I get to have all the fun.