Whew! Okay, so it's been tougher than I thought to keep up with everything this past week or so between the seemingly constant nursing, the parade of family and friends coming to meet Noah, and my tendency to take a nap whenever I get a free minute instead of blog. :) Anyways, it's been a little crazy since the whole giving birth thing 11 days ago. But, here's some pix to catch you right back up with what's been going on....

Here Noah's getting to know my dad, his Grandpa Randy.

It's been super smoky here in the Bitterroot Valley. There are fires in the nearbye forests and the valley has a natural inversion so the smoke just sits here and lingers. Makes for an unpleasant breathing experience but kind of cool on the mountains....

Also makes for a pretty cool orangy-pink sun as well. But, needless to say it's not the best thing for newborns so we've spent a lot of time indoors.

Pointing out an important feature...

Awww...look how nice they play together! Brianna is discovering a renewed interest in all her old baby toys. :)
Finally we had a more clear day and we decided to take little Noah for his first outing, a trip to the little park about 3 blocks down. Brianna had to help push the stroller, being the big girl, of course.

Then she talked everyone into lining up and digging for her. She was sort of the commando of the sand box.
In fact, predictably, this is what he spends most of his time doing...
Taking a quick snooze here...
Another light nap there...just catching up on the zz's that Mom's not getting. (How thoughtful of him!) No really, he's been a super easy and laid back little guy and I'm feeling really grateful for that considering my first child's more, ahem, high maintenance personality shall we say.
Yup, this is the story of Noah's life so far. I included this shot though so you can see how his face is starting to round out and pudge up. We went to his first Dr. appt. since birth the other day and in only 10 days he'd gained a pound and three ounces! Holy Cow! The doctor said, "Is he a bit of a chow hound?" I guess so huh?!

1 comment:
he's getting so big!
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