Sunday, July 29, 2007
Chocolate Milk or Juice?
Well, the other day, I was feeling pretty smart-alecky and as I switched Noah to nurse on the other side I winked at my Mom and said, "Now I think he wants to try the chocolate milk side." Brianna was in the room when I said this and in her sweet naivety she now sometimes will ask me if Noah's getting chocolate milk or juice while he's nursing. :P
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
A Little "Catch Up" on the Side

Also makes for a pretty cool orangy-pink sun as well. But, needless to say it's not the best thing for newborns so we've spent a lot of time indoors.

Pointing out an important feature...

Awww...look how nice they play together! Brianna is discovering a renewed interest in all her old baby toys. :)
Finally we had a more clear day and we decided to take little Noah for his first outing, a trip to the little park about 3 blocks down. Brianna had to help push the stroller, being the big girl, of course.

Then she talked everyone into lining up and digging for her. She was sort of the commando of the sand box.

Super "Branna"!!
Monday, July 23, 2007
3 going on 13...
The other day Bree got a late birthday present in the mail. She was so excited to open it...and when she did she found a My Little Pony inside, which she loved and insisted on playing with right then. (Thanks Becca!) This is all good and well and you would think, innocent enough. And it all was...until Bree found the little brochure inside the My Little Pony packaging. You know, the one that pretty much comes with every toy you buy that lists all the other fun toys that company and/or line of toys makes. After eyeing it for awhile Brianna decided that she really NEEDS the little pony house. We said, that's nice we'll keep that in mind for Christmas and thought the matter closed. It apparently was not closed though when a few days later Bree came out holding the picture of the pony house. (She had saved the brochure in her room.) She asked where it was, why didn't she have one in her room and told us she needed one. Then without even waiting for our response just abruptly blurted out, "I HATE my life!"
We were shocked! I have no idea where she picked up that little jewel but I didn't let her get away with it. I started telling her how nice her life is and etc. Geesh, not like she's spoiled or anything...just that she HATES her life if she doesn't get the toy she wants RIGHT NOW!
What will we do with her? :)
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
From the Mouths of Babes...About Babes
- "Mom, you just call me if you need help putting him back in your tummy. Then we could have TWO brothers!"
- "I think we should keep him."
- "Why is my baby crying?"
- "Mom, I have milk in my chest too. Wanna try some?"
- "Mom, thanks for my brother!"
- "Why is he pooping!?"
- "Why is he whining?"
- "Why is he sleeping?"
- (While wiggling his toes) "Hi! I have teensy toes!"
- (After someone called him "Sweetie") "He's NOT a sweetie!" (And bursting into tears.)
Overall pretty positive responses to him so far. Of course, she doesn't really mind him so much as she does the adults in her life giving him any attention. When that happens we have had a few incidents of biting, hitting, and physical type attention getters... But she does like getting to be the big helper. She really likes to "help" change his diapers by gently patting his little buns with a wipe and has tried really hard to convince me that she's just as perfectly capable of nursing him as I am..she's always asking to feed him.
All pretty standard pre-school big sister adjustment type stuff. :)
More Bree-isms
- "Hippie!" This is said when Brianna is cheering about something, she says it instead of "yippee!" Somehow she's mixed up the sounds and I find it pretty amusing.
- "Best EVER!" So, Bree is into declaring that this or that is the "best she ever had" before. Say, if she's particularly enjoying an ice cream cone she may say "Mom, this is the best ice cream I ever had!" and so on. However, the next time she's doing that exact same eating another ice cream cone a few days later she'll decide that THAT is the best one ever. I guess I think it's funny that they're ALL the best and also to hear her declaring that it's the best ever in her entire long life experience... I guess it's the best ice cream cone she's ever had out of the few she's had. :P
- "Genius!" Bree loves to decide that something is "genius." The first time she said it, she said it in reference to her dad and he was quite smug about it. However, the next time she said it she was referring to something she liked, I think it was food... "These noodles are genius!" I'm not really sure she knows what the word means but the way she uses it, she usually means that something is good or fun.
- "Rusty Steve, Pullseye" Then there are those times when Bree just plain old has misheard or doesn't understand a phrase and repeats it -wrong. This particular one is from one of her favorite shows, Toy Story 2. The phrase is suppose to be, the "trusty steed Bullseye." :D
- "Chill Down" Bree's version of "chill out," a phrase which I say to her alot when she seems to be on the verge of a meltdown. Of course, she turned it around and uses it on me and will tell me to "chill down" if she thinks I'm getting crazy on her.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Just Like Big Sister

born Friday July 13, 2007 at 1:08 pm
6 lbs. 4 oz.
20 inches long

Monday, July 09, 2007
When I was a Born Baby
So, naturally with the arrival of baby brother looming imminent on the horizon for us, besides our tour there's been a lot of talk around here about they cry a lot and how they don't eat people food yet and etc. We'll say, "Newborn babies..." and then start off with some explanation regarding newborn babies. Brianna seems to take it all pretty well so far. Although, I think she's already starting to feel a little left out with all the newborn talk. So, to get herself back into the discussion her newest phrase is "When I was a born baby..." and then she'll launch off into some story about what she did when she was a "born baby." Apparently she had quite the adventures in her first few months including having hummingbirds land on her, walking, talking, etc. Some amazing things for a newborn to do really. The other thing she's quite sure of is that she used bottles when she was a "born baby." In reality, she never used even a one, she hated the things and refused to take milk from an artificial nipple. We tried to tell her that she didn't like them but to no avail, she remembers it better than me apparently.... :)
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Summer Fun

Puppy Love
Monday, July 02, 2007
Well, this has apparently rubbed off a bit on Brianna. Not that she means to, and not that I'm complaining, but Bree's a preschooler so usually she's more making a mess than helping clean one or she's getting in the way while you try to do whatever it is you're trying to do. This was not the case the other day however when I came home with some bags of groceries. It was the end of the day, I'd left to shop after Travis had gotten home, and so I was tired and wasn't even really going to unload the bags all right that minute. But, just then Bree got bitten by the helpful bug and immediately began rummaging through the sacks, finding things that she knew where they go, and putting them away, in the right spot! For example, if we have apples I usually keep them in a bowl on the table or counter. So, Bree spotted the apples and said, "I'm gonna put these apples in the apple bowl, that's where they live!" Then she put some canned goods into the pantry...And all the while she was singing "What's gonna work? TEAMWORK!"
Let's hope this is going to be a new trend! :)