Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Popsicle Bath

This morning for her snack, Brianna requested a popsicle. I thought, okay, why not? She had a good breakfast and a popsicle's not so bad. A few minutes later though Bree decided that she wanted to take a bath, but, of course, didn't want to give up on eating her popsicle either. So, since I was feeling tired and didn't want to fight her, I just let her get into the tub with her popsicle. Ya know, because it's a great learning experience right? And it was too. Bree figured out that a cold popsicle dipped into warm bathwater makes nice runny, red juice that you can use to paint all over the tub and shower walls. But, she also figured out that if you dip your popsicle one too many times and spend all your time painting with it instead of eating it, it melts and you don't get to eat it. This last discovery actually made her pretty upset and she was saying, "Oh no! I messed up! Now I can't eat it!" "Yep, guess so." I told her matter of factly. So, in the end she ended up bathing in sticky red water and I'm not sure how productive a bath it was as far as cleaning goes. However, Bree did learn alot about hot, cold, and melting so I guess it was a worthwhile little experiment. Now I just have to clean it up....

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