Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Daddy's a Big Boy

Lately Bree has started that phase where she's a lot more aware of who's a boy and who is a girl. Naturally, it's an important distinction for her and she's been marching around telling everyone. "I'm not a boy. I'm a girl! And Mommy's a girl...but Daddy's a big boy!" Then, if he's there, Travis will say "Yes I am," in a deep voice. It's just silliness but it makes me laugh every time to hear Bree call her daddy a "big boy."

She's also still occasionally calling him Travis as well. Usually it's after I've called him that first, but not always... This morning as Trav was leaving I called "Bye, have a good day!" And Bree piped up with, "Have a good day, Travis!"

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