Saturday, September 30, 2006
Sherburne Wildlife Refuge
Friday, September 29, 2006
Me:"I'm gonna wipe your face, you're dirty."
Bree: "Why?"
Me: "Because, dinner was messy and your face is dirty."
Bree: "Why?"
Me: "Because dinner was messy."
This went on for some time until Bree got a new idea.
Bree: "Dad, ice cream for sert (desert)?"
Travis: "Why?"
Bree: "I want some okay, ice cream!"
Travis: "Why?"
Bree: "I like ice cream."
Travis: "Why?"
Bree: "Um, have some ice cream for sert? I has to."
Travis: "Why?"
Bree: "ICE CREAM!" (screaming now and NOT amused)
I guess Trav was trying to give her a taste of her own medicine. But, usually when he teases her he doesn't know when to stop. He'll keep going until he's just aggravating her, which, in turn aggravates me. Then it's like having 2 kids instead of one. But, naturally, one of the things that first attracted me to Travis was his silly sense of humor and sometimes childlike joy with life and the simple things. Well, you know what they say..that the things that attract you to someone at first are the same things that will drive you completely bonkers later. What I want to know is....WHY?! :)
Thursday, September 28, 2006
To Infinity and Beyond!
Gosh, I Love My Kid
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Hello, My Name is Geck
A Song for Mommy
M-O-M-M-Y needs C-O-F-F-E-E
D-A-D-D-Y needs C-O-F-F-E-E
I love my kid... I love my kid
Gosh, I love my kid
But I need what I need, and I need a lot of what I need
M-O-M-M-Y needs C-O-F-F-E-E
D-A-D-D-Y needs C-O-F-F-E-E
I want a latte, a cappuccino
And tonight I think I’ll have a little vino
M-O-M-M-Y needs C-O-F-F-E-E
D-A-D-D-Y needs C-O-F-F-E-E
Isn't it just perfect? I mean, I've mentioned my coffee addiction here more than once. Actually though, this is the way all the moms in Bree's playgroup feel from what I can tell 'cause being a mom is a tiring job. I've said it before and I'll say it is a Mom's only defense! :)
Here's the link, take a listen: (Warning: this song WILL get stuck in your head!)
More Singing
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
A Songbird
The ABC song has actually progressed and is getting clearer and better all the time. Now it goes something like this:
"A, B, C, D, A, P, G, "Aich", I, J, K, lleminino, P, A, B, C, D, T, U, V, dubbwhoo, ess, Y, and Z. Now I know my ABC's next time won't you sing with me!"
As for Twinkle Twinkle, she's done pretty well with those words for some time now. However since the two songs have a similiar cadence to them she's started kind of getting sidetracked halfway through the ABC's, like this:
"A, B, C, D, E, F, G, Twinkle Twinkle Idda Stah, How I wundah what you ah!"
Monday, September 25, 2006
Mommy, You Tell Him!
Tonight it was the same deal. After tucking several requested stuffed animals and toys into her bed, sure enough she claimed to need to pee. So, I helped her out of bed and into the bathroom where she happily sat down on her potty and began casually perusing "The Jungle Book." After a few minutes I cajoled her into getting off her potty chair, convincing her she was all done for now and could try again later. I laid her down and started to put a fresh diaper on her when I realized that I needed some diaper cream since Bree has a bit of diaper rash right now. For some reason though, she's been fighting getting the cream put on her little buns the past few days. Not wanting her to fuss I called out, "Trav! I need some c-r-e-a-m brought in here please!" A minute later Travis popped through the door with wipes in his hand. "No. C-r-e-a-m, what does it spell?" I asked him. "Oh right." he said, coming back with cream in his hand. I rolled my eyes. "So, did we go pee?" he asked, cluelessly. "Shh" I hissed, kind of annoyed, "Why are you asking right now? She doesn't really need to go and it just took me 5 minutes to convince her to get off the potty. I don't need you reminding her about it. So, why don't you sh..." I caught myself. Yes, I had almost said shut up but didn't want Brianna to think that's okay to say to her Daddy. (All right, I get kinda crabby in the evening!) Silly me, I should have known that she'd already guessed where I was going. From her spot laying on the floor Brianna finished for me and said in a peevish tone, "Daddy, would you just shut up! Mommy, you tell him!" It took us both so by surprise that we just ended up laughing hysterically and Bree did her courtesy laugh, sure that she'd just said something extremely clever!
Quality Time with Daddy
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Laundry Delay
Today when we got ready to drag our laundry down the hall we said, “Come on Brianna, help us with the laundry.” “Okay, just a minute. My potato wants to come,” she said back. By that of course she meant Mr. Potato Head. Problem was that Mr. Potato Head was not ready to go. So, Bree made us stand there while she very carefully put him together with the eyes, nose, mouth, arms, hat, and feet all in the correct places. Finally, Mr. Potato Head was assembled and she was ready to go. We started to head down the hallway when Bree said, “Mom, carry me!” “I can’t carry you, I’m carrying this,” I pointed to the laundry detergent in my left hand. “Mom,” she said, pointing to my right hand, “You can carry me in this hand.” Well, no fooling that one….
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Kids Say the Darndest Things
We really do think Brianna says the darndest things. Some of the things she says are pretty normal, everyday type things that shouldn't necessarily be funny, but for some reason hearing a very tiny person say them, and in the tone of voice she's hysterical! Here's a few funny little things Bree has surprised us in saying recently:
"I need to e-mail!" (As she was climbing up into the computer chair.)
"Mom, I have eyeballs. My eyeballs need to stay in my head." (Well, I should hope so!)
(After tripping and nearly falling while trying to walk down the stairs she said) "Was that a nice trip?"
"Mom, I'm following the leader." (While climbing all over the couch. I dunno, maybe the leader was imaginary?)
"Daddy, stop it! Just leave me alone!" (After he'd been teasing her, and then,) "What are you thinking?"
Friday, September 22, 2006
Thursday, September 21, 2006
An Accident
Buenos Dias!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Brianna: "Mom, I had a boogy! (booger) I licked it up!"
Me: "Ew! We don't do that. We only put our boogies on tissues."
Brianna: "Why?"
Me: "Because that's where they go and licking them up is just yucky!"
Brianna: "Why? Why? Why Mom?"
Then before I could respond.
Brianna: "Mom, my pony, why?"
Me: "What about your pony? Why what?"
Brianna: "Why Mom?"
Me: "All right. That's enough now...."
Gross booger habits aside, (Oh come on, like you never did that as a kid or had your kids do it?!) it was kind of funny. Although, this is the first time it's happened. By the time it's a full blown asking why all the time obsession I'm sure I'll be annoyed enough.
Cutie Pie
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
The Return of Storytime
Monday, September 18, 2006
A Big Girl Bed? Er, Maybe Not
The Chex Mix Incident
Brianna and I had gone to the park with our play group. Everyone brought snacks to share and we had a lot of fun hanging out. At the end of our little get together my friend Lynsay and I were cleaning up when Elissa, Lynsay's daughter, found a bag of Chex's Mix and thought she'd like to try some. She opened the bag up and poured it right out on the ground. This, of course, caught Bree's attention, and not to be left out of the action she wandered right over to "chex" it out. (Ha ha!) Here's what happened next:
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Funhouse Mirrors and Silly Faces
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Brianna the Bug Catcher
Fruit "Candy"
Recently she's also discovered that she loves fruit roll ups too. Except, she calls them "fruit candy." "More fruit candy Mom?" she'll say...
This morning as I was putting on lip gloss Bree said, "I want lipstick too Mom!" "Okay," I told her and smeared a little lip gloss on her mouth. She was so happy, "Look at my lipstick!" Then, since we were both gussied up, we headed out for our morning fun with our play group. As I was carrying Bree to the car she suddenly looked at my lips and said, "Mom, you have fruit candy lips!" (I guess 'cause they were pink and shiny.) Then a pause "And I do too!" :)
Friday, September 15, 2006
Super Brianna!
The Magical Power of Band-Aids
Of course, besides a kiss from Mommy Brianna also counts on that other toddler psychological healer, the band-aid. Naturally, she insists she needs one with every bump, bang or bruise she gets. Of course, we don't give her one every time or else we'd go through a box a day. (We don't want her to have a "pack a day" habit do we now?) So, if she's asking for a band-aid we'll say "Are you bleeding?" Then sometimes she says yes even though she's clearly not bleeding anywhere. That's just how sure she (and most toddlers) are that a band-aid is the answer to every ouchie in question. Brianna even asked for one the other day when she was just plain old upset. She'd been crying for some time, (I think 'cause I told her no to something), so she requested a kiss from me. Well, apparently that didn't work and she said, "Mommy, I'm sad..I need a band-aid!"
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Oldies But Goodies
Another toy that had been kind of forgotten but is back in action is her little Magna Doodle. (You know, the one where you make the magnetic “pen” draw by dragging it across the screen.) Today she spent hours scribbling away on it. But, the funny part was that she’d scribble, scribble, scribble until the screen was completely black. Then, “Mom, I drew a turtle!” she’s say. “Yes, very nice,” I’d tell her. She’d scribble a few minutes more, still having a totally black screen and declare “Look, it’s a cat!” Scribble, scribble, “Look Mom, it’s Dora!” (the Explorer from TV). Scribble, scribble, scribble, “Hey, I made a picture of Kadyn!” Of course the screen looked exactly the same each time, but I guess art is subjective right?
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Hanging with Kadyn
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Some Itchy Bumps
Monday, September 11, 2006
Don't Matter if You're Black or White...(to steal a line from Michael Jackson)
The other day we were over at my friend Shannon's house. Bree loves to play with Nayan, Shannon's son who is about her age. Things were going well, the kids played nice together, Bree got to pet their new puppy, and we all had lunch together. Then Aamani, Shannon's daughter who's almost 1 now, woke up from her nap. Bree went into Aamani's room with Shannon and suddenly for some unknown reason she turned to Shannon and asked her "Is she brown or white?" (While Shannon grew up around here, her husband is from India.) Luckily, Shannon wasn't offended and told Bree "She's both. She's a mix."
Great! Now I have to worry about Bree talking loudly about people's skin color. I guess it's only natural for kids at this age to start asking a few questions...hope I'm ready for it though.
In Case of Fire, Take the Stairs
Travis: "One day (point)
Bree: George!
Travis: was taking a walk with the man in the big yellow (point).
Bree: hat!
It's great because it makes the reading part so much more interactive and Brianna was so proud of herself helping Daddy "read." She's starting to get the idea that pictures can translate into words and vice versa. She even applied this new skill of "reading" pictures to the sign outside the elevator in the past few days. Now every time we're standing there waiting for the elevator doors to open she points to the "In case of fire, use the stairs" sign, which also has pictures of a stick man going down stairs and a fire, and says "Go downstairs and fire." Not bad huh?
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Happy Grandparents Day!
Saturday, September 09, 2006
The other when Bree "woke up" from her nap she was snuggly and still acting tired. So, I laid down with her on the couch and hoped she would go back to sleep. We ended up taking a little nap together...Bree actually slept a whole 'nother hour there. It made me think of the "old" days when she was younger. When she was nursing I would actually end up laying on the couch letting her nurse and nap and usually fall asleep myself. Although by the end I did get tired of having my chest on 24-hour call there was something to be said about the "forced" quality snuggle time it created. Not to mention it was good for me too. Made me just sit and be still and perhaps even take a nap, something I rarely do these days. Well, anyways, it was nice and made me miss the baby days when there was more snuggling, although the toddler days of craziness have their own charm too.
Then recently, as we often do, we found ourselves back at Medicine Lake Park near our apartment. As usual Travis took many cute pictures of Bree as she played, climbing, sliding, and swinging. But, there was one pic of her in the swing that looked so much like some of her earlier ones...I couldn't help but compare her with this time last year.
I guess it's inevitable, my baby is growing up!
Children's Museum

Friday, September 08, 2006
Leftover Soup (ya know, little o' this, little o' that)
Bree and Savannah quite frequently go play down at the apartment park play area. Every time they head off I say, "Ok, be safe and have a good time." This time as they left however Brianna beat me to the punch and said, "Bye, have a good time!"
I guess I must say actually a lot 'cause Brianna is now using that word quite frequently. (I know I seem to type "actually" fairly often here.) Wherever it came from though it's been quite amusing to hear Bree using the word when trying to make a point... IE: "Ack-shoo-ee it is raining outside Mom."
Although "concha" was a much loved nonsense word Bree used for popsicle, I think I have to say the "concha" days are gone. After Brianna's older pal, Savannah, heard Bree saying "concha" she said, "Why does she say that?" Then said "Bree, can you say pop-sick-kle?" Well, after much speech therapy from Savannah Bree has abandoned saying "concha" and has moved on to the much more grown up "pop-shua." (Popsicle is just still too hard to say correctly.)
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Airplane Food With A Twist
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
I'm Stupid
Daddy's a Big Boy
She's also still occasionally calling him Travis as well. Usually it's after I've called him that first, but not always... This morning as Trav was leaving I called "Bye, have a good day!" And Bree piped up with, "Have a good day, Travis!"
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Monday, September 04, 2006
Save the Picture!
Belt It
Sunday, September 03, 2006
What's in a Name??
Outside Screaming
Saturday, September 02, 2006
What the Heck?!
Goats at the Zoo

Friday, September 01, 2006
Fixing Nemo
It all started out innocently enough...Grandma Dee-Dee sent us a package in the mail. Inside, among other things, were two fun little bathtime toys, these little clown fish that you can wind up and make swim. Bree was instantly in love with them, calling them Nemo and carrying them around all day. Somewhere along the way though, she managed to break off the fin of one fish. It was pretty easily fixed however, we'd just shove the fin back on and that would last us a good 15-30 minutes before the fin was off and needing attention again. This tactic worked fine, until bedtime that is. Brianna insisted on taking the fish to bed and there, inevitably, she'd manage to get the fin to fall off and cry. A half an hour and 2 breakdowns later Travis and I were frantically trying to figure out a solution. Finally, I went in there and took the broken fish, telling Bree that he was sick and needed to go see the doctor and that he'd be back in the morning. (I was hoping this would give me some time to either figure out how to fix the fin permanently or "accidentally misplace" that particular fish, hoping she'd forget about it.) But, this didn't fly. As we listened to her little broken-hearted sobs it suddenly occured to me to give Nemo a band-aid. So, there I was at 8:45 pm frantically attaching a Sesame Street band-aid on a plastic bath-toy fish and praying it would hold the little fin on. And, it did! I headed back into Bree's room and jauntily told her that Nemo had been to the doctor, gotten a band-aid and was much better now. Fifteen minutes later I smiled in the complete silence and tried to savor getting to be the least for the moment.