Hello! I'm back! Were have I been you ask? Well, actually, nowhere special just taken a little blog vacation I guess. It keeps getting farther and farther between my posts, I know, which is unusual for me. Just you know, a lot going on lately... It's summer so we're more active in being out and about and doing things. Birthdays, weddings, holidays, traveling back and forth to Idaho to visit family and attend events, you name it, all coming in fast and furious these past few months. Not to mention I guess I'm finding it harder, as Noah is getting older, more active and more mobile, to find the time to get to my computer, or when I do, I don't seem to have the where-with-all to sit down and type coherently. So, yeah, guess I checked out there for awhile and took a mental vacation and just couldn't keep up with my regular blogging pace... Hey it happens people, even to a fairly prolific
purveyor of everyday nonsense and mundane anecdotes such as myself.
Anywho, I have decided to check back in to reality and life now and hope to get back into the habit, kick my lazy butt back in gear, and get on top of this blog again. Meanwhile life has gone on as usual around here... The kids continue to grow. Bree had a birthday this week and turned 4, and Noah will be 1 in July! And as usual, they alternately drive me crazy and/or make me laugh. There, now you're all caught up. Don't feel that satisfied you say? Okay, here's a few visuals to go along with that:
The birthday girl and her little helper.

As usual, Bree got totally spoiled this birthday. Just like last year, she got to have several parties, one in Idaho, we opened presents on her actual birthday, and another day had a few friends over for a birthday play date as well.

Showing off the new SpongeBob tennis headband and wristlets, which, I guess is a serious thing. We tried this year to get her things like games or outdoorsy type stuff, since she already has enough toys with small parts for Mommy to pick up!

Can't believe she's four years old already! Where has the time gone? It's just surreal...
And Noah's first birthday is in just a few weeks now! He's turned into a little ham, always laughing about some secret joke he seems to know.
...or making silly faces

The weather
finally caught on to the fact that it's summer as well and we've been out enjoying it.

Here's Noah and I looking cool and chillin' at the park.
...and, of course, what would a picture narrative on this blog be without including one of Bree making a typical Brianna face. :)